Consumers are choosing Bars…

The changes in consumer demographics, their interest in heath and nutrition and change of snacking habits has grown the bar market into a $ 9.6 billion US bar market and it continues to grow.

The most popular bars are nutrition bars. You may be wondering what are the consumers trends in the “so different” 2020 year. Nutrition bars, snack bars, meal replacement bars, performance bars, weight-loss bars… consumer interest keeps rising in their interest to change snacking habits to those of health and wellness. This is one important element that has made bars so popular. Bars are not only portable, ready-to-eat, but also there is a variety to choose that to meet the nutritional goals: high-performance sports nutrition formula, recovery bars for post workouts, high fiber, high protein, vitamin-fortified kids’ snacks, etc.

The primary reasons adults are consuming bars, according to Mintel’s 2019 report “Snack, Nutrition and Performance Bars,” are to snack and to satisfy hunger. It is also true that consumers what to replace junk food with healthy choices. Mintel also states in their report that just over half of those consuming bars are under the age of forty-five. This is indicating a strong convenience motivation.

Do you want to add a bar to your brand?

What are your nutritional targets and label requirements? Do you have an idea of flavor and texture you would like? We can help you! We have vast experience in combining the right ingredients to achieve you nutritional goals and a flavorful product. There is a specific balance to ingredients and mores when you think about the different sources of protein. They react differently to sugars and fats. We work with supplier of functional ingredients that can help to achieve all of the above.

Next challenge is shelf life. Depending on the ingredients and the label requirements, there will be different options available.

Let’s start on your!

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