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National Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month provides an opportunity to explore the vibrant and diverse cultures within the Hispanic and Latino community. This includes the celebration of Hispanic art, music, literature, cuisine, dance, and language. We will explore traditional Latin treats and brands during Hispanic Heritage Month.

Latins! We share many traditions and also cuisines. Yet Latin culture is incredibly diverse and reflects each region’s history and mix of cultures, with each country and region having its own unique characteristics and traditions.

Let’s share our memories and also discover our neighbors together.

I will start with this amazing Alfajor from my native Cordoba, Argentina.

In my recent visit to my birth home, I had they wonderful experience of visiting the production facility of Chamas (

This is a company that represents very well so many of us. Immigrant arriving to a new country with hopes and dreams to build. He did just that! Don August Chammas arrived in 1840 to Argentina. He started a business of sweets that his family would continue for well over a century. Augusto innovated, as do his descendants. Today they have a second brand called Yukas. This product is gluten free! Amazing texture, best ducal de leche, … can’t wait to see this in the US market!

#alfajor #GlutenFree #DulcedeLech

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